Sunday, April 1, 2012

Women's Ministry of Highlands Presbyterian

On Sunday March 25, Karen and I had the opportunity to attend the Spring gathering of the Women's Ministry of Highlands Presbyterian Church.  Highlands is one of MadCAAP's faithful partners and so we were thrilled to attend and share MadCAAP's story while enjoying a delicious meal, hearing an inspiring speaker and seeing amazing floral arrangements materialize before our very eyes.  Since their theme centered around "Planting the Seeds of the Lord",  the evening culminated with plans for the group to work in the Helping Hands Garden on Saturday, March 31.  

...and work they did!!!

Girls from elementary age on up "shoveled, weeded, planted, staked and tied" with such a spirit of joy and determination.  I don't know if I've ever seen a group of volunteers accomplish as much as this charming group.  There were absolutely no slackers!  They kept Harold and myself busy with their, "What do we do next questions?"  Saturday morning was just a fabulous time of hard work and muddy fun!  We look forward to working with this group again.  





Friday, March 16, 2012

Green and Growing - March 2012

Helping Hands Garden is Green and Growing!

Just have to share few pictures that I took this morning (March 16, 2012) at the garden.  Harold and two of his client volunteers were preparing beds and planting more potatoes and tomatoes while Johnny, my wonderful husband, tilled up the area that will grow the watermelons, cantaloupes and other assorted veggies.  I must say that the garden looks great...thanks to Cliff and Carole for mowing the area on Tuesday.  The days are becoming warmer and the garden is popping with excitement.  Come join the fun!

What kind of peppers???
Our potatoes are growing!