harvesting & weighing veggies
tying up tomatoes
digging the last potatoes
tilling the empty bed
starting to build a compost area.
A group of students and chaperones from Wisconsin are in town to work with MadCAAP this week. Their primary task is to help begin construction on a Krista Cottage for the Bennett Family; but today we were blessed to have 6 girls and David come to work in the garden. David finished roofing our shed, painted the trim and helped the girls nail up the trim boards.
These energetic teenagers from Wisconsin completed every task on Harold's "to-do" and they loved our accents.
On days like this, I have the opportunity to once again tell the garden's story to another group of interested folks and I am reminded of what a collaborative effort this whole gardening experience is. The BCBS Foundation provided the original funds for the grant to MS Food Network. MadCAAP applied for and received the grant to establish a garden on the grounds of St. John's United Methodist Church in Canton. That's where Canton First United Methodist Church came into the mix...they provided the land. You certainly can't have a garden without some DIRT for planting, Then the planning began with much help, encouragement and guidance from Master Gardeners and MFN as well as, MadCAAP's own gardening guru, Harold Waldrop.
"This is amazing!" is the comment heard from almost every first time visitor/worker to the the garden. I must agree that our "Helping Hands Garden" is amazing as I stop to reflect on the accomplishments of the past 5 months! There are many who have played a role in enabling this garden to become a reality and we are very thankful for BCBS Foundation and MFN for providing the funds to get this project started and to all those who have contributed materials, time, expertise, sweat and their love of gardening to make a difference the lives of those living in poverty in Madison County. And so we offer our heartfelt...