Meet my talented son, Josh, who created our garden logo. |
My silly sons, David & Josh from Birmingham, showing off their "Helping Hands". |
Luckily Josh and David, as well as my daughter Jennifer, share my love of gardening so it wasn't to difficult to persuade the boys to go with me to check on the garden on Mother's Day. (Jennifer was at the Kentucky Derby, but I'm sure she'll take a turn in the garden when she visits from SC later in the summer). We watered & watered & watered! What a job! I am thankful for the fun these two brought to a task that could otherwise have become very wearisome. MadCAAP's Helping Hands Garden is really going to make a difference in the 80 boxes of food that we distribute each week. I can't wait to get to that point!
More help is NEEDED in the garden!
How about adding your "helping hands" to this project?
Look how much the first bed of tomato plants has grown. Soon these tomatoes will be ready to be picked and placed in one of the 80 boxes of food that MadCAAP distributes weekly. MadCAAP's "Helping Hands" Garden is going to make a to make BIG a difference.
blooms on our potato plants |
baby squash on our first beds planted |
These squash plants and pole beans were planted from seed in mid-April.
They're going strong!