Monday, January 31, 2011

What Name Shall Be Given This Garden?


Finding just the right combination of words with which to christen our garden was an important next step. As a former teacher, I always opt for alliteration but that only produced, "Garden Gossip" which did not seem to be the direction in which to go so I asked my Facebook friends for ideas and it happens that one of my very special FB friends, just happens to be my son, Josh. Josh oozes creativity and he not only suggested just the right name, but he also created our logo...which we are planning to convert into a sign to grace the entrance of our garden.

"Helping Hands" it is!
Many hands will gather to dig in the earth, planting seeds which will help provide food for our neighbors. I can't wait to start digging in the dirt!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

And so we begin...

MadCAAP received a grant from MS Food Network to create a community garden in Canton and First United Methodist Church in Canton donated the land for this project. Representatives from MadCAAP, MFN & FUMC met the second week in January to get the ball rolling. The representatives from MFN wanted to visit the garden site and so we headed over to Hargon Street. Here are the first pictures of the our Community Garden project.

Can you picture it?