Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Garden Party

Sarah Barrow told her mom that she wanted to have a Senior Party that would help others.  When her mom, Marcia finally suggested a Garden Party at MadCAAP's Helping Hands Garden of HOPE, Sarah was thrilled! Thank you Sarah for your compassionate heart!
These young ladies picked 92 pounds of squash and tied up 300 tomato plants!

Time to enjoy a delicious Salad Supper!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Good Friday in the Garden

As a group of MadCAAP Volunteers, Clients and Staff labored to prepare a garden plot for the planting of sweet potatoes, complete the pavilion and tend the newly sprouted plants, there was a spirit of shared vision.   The garden was filled with laughter, strained muscles and a shared desire to make a difference in the lives & diets of the poor in Madison County. This physical labor on Good Friday seemed to be our way of putting hearts, hands and feet to Jesus' command to "Love One Another", though no one made that connection out loud.  

There numerous opportunities to serve God and make a and I simply need to be aware and willing.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


What a great day of service with these families and friends from Highlands Presbyterian Church. Some planted tomato & pepper plants while others planted squash seeds and still others worked on the irrigation system...and EvErYoNe tromped through the mud! 


"At the end of the day in Spring, you should smell of dirt!"
....and we did!


Saturday, April 5, 2014

A Quick Glance At Our New Garden

It's 9:00 p.m. on Saturday evening and I am beat!

Harold, Johnny and I spent a great afternoon in the garden with two hard-working groups of garden volunteers and a father and son irrigation team from Highlands Presbyterian Church.  The first to arrive was a group of Sophomore SGA volunteers from Madison Central High School and shortly after that the Leadership Madison volunteers appeared on the scene.  Over 300 tomato plants were tucked neatly into raised beds and mulched; then it was on to putting down landscape fabric fand mulch between the beds.  This crew worked about 2 1/2 hours with amazing success and great camaraderie.  Now we wait and allow Mother Nature to work her magic as seeds sprout, plants grow and eventually hungry people are fed.

Team Work and Laughter Filled the Afternoon.

 Madison Central Sophomore SGA Volunteers

 Leadership Madison County Volunteers


Friday, February 7, 2014

Changes, Indeed!

Lots has changed since my last garden post...and I'll not even mention how long ago that was!

The Helping Hands Garden has been relocated, expanded and renamed, well sorta renamed.

The original garden site was sold and our search began.  What seemed like an overwhelming reality at first is becoming a blessing in disguise.  A very generous Master Gardener came to our rescue with the offer of a garden site on her property and the rest is quickly becoming history.  Black Kow once again donated manure and grants from the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of MS and Wal-mart, have insured that the project funds are available.

LOTS of hard work dismantling, relocating and reassembling the raised beds and  fencing in sub-freezing temps of this fall and winter has been accomplished by MadCAAP's Housing Director, John Robison and his dynamic duo of retirees.  Several church groups have assisted in this process and now there are 40-plus raised beds, filled with soil, etc. and some are even been planted with collards by Harold Waldrop and his garden helpers.  The garden is fenced and we have an adorable new garden shed, constructed of recycled materials. TA, DA!

 As the weather warms, more planting will occur. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Women's Ministry of Highlands Presbyterian

On Sunday March 25, Karen and I had the opportunity to attend the Spring gathering of the Women's Ministry of Highlands Presbyterian Church.  Highlands is one of MadCAAP's faithful partners and so we were thrilled to attend and share MadCAAP's story while enjoying a delicious meal, hearing an inspiring speaker and seeing amazing floral arrangements materialize before our very eyes.  Since their theme centered around "Planting the Seeds of the Lord",  the evening culminated with plans for the group to work in the Helping Hands Garden on Saturday, March 31.  

...and work they did!!!

Girls from elementary age on up "shoveled, weeded, planted, staked and tied" with such a spirit of joy and determination.  I don't know if I've ever seen a group of volunteers accomplish as much as this charming group.  There were absolutely no slackers!  They kept Harold and myself busy with their, "What do we do next questions?"  Saturday morning was just a fabulous time of hard work and muddy fun!  We look forward to working with this group again.  





Friday, March 16, 2012

Green and Growing - March 2012

Helping Hands Garden is Green and Growing!

Just have to share few pictures that I took this morning (March 16, 2012) at the garden.  Harold and two of his client volunteers were preparing beds and planting more potatoes and tomatoes while Johnny, my wonderful husband, tilled up the area that will grow the watermelons, cantaloupes and other assorted veggies.  I must say that the garden looks great...thanks to Cliff and Carole for mowing the area on Tuesday.  The days are becoming warmer and the garden is popping with excitement.  Come join the fun!

What kind of peppers???
Our potatoes are growing!